Tuan-Toolara Forest Road at Andrew Morris Bridge

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Tuan-Toolara Forest Road at Andrew Morris Bridge

Tuan-Toolara road will be closed at Andrew Morris bridge from Thursday 27 February 2025. This will be an extended closure for approximately 10 weeks to facilitate the replacement of the existing bridge. A signed detour will be in place for the duration of works. Regular road condition assessments are scheduled for the detour, but if there any concerns please pass contact us in a timely manner, so they can be addressed. A map of the area is available here.

Signage and barriers are in place to inform road users. Access restrictions and signs apply to all traffic and recreational users including cars, motorbikes, bicycles, horses, walkers and permit holders.

We recognise that this road is often used by local and recreational users, so we will endeavour to keep the closure as brief as possible and re-open the road earlier if possible.

The safety of all road users is important to us and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.