See something? Say something
Sharing our plantation forests is a privilege everyone enjoys. Most of the time, people respect the open, uninhabited nature of the plantations and do the right thing when visiting. However, that enjoyment is occasionally disturbed by unlawful behaviour.
This is not a problem any of us can solve alone. It takes a vigilant community to put an end to crime in plantation forests.

If you see something you think is unlawful or suspicious, we encourage you to report it to the police.
In a life threatening emergency, call 000.
If the situation is not life threatening, call Policelink on 131 444.
To report a crime anonymously, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
There are also other agencies and task forces who can help, such as:
The Hooning Hotline – phone 13HOON (134 666)
Litter and Illegal Dumping Unit – phone 13QGOV (137 468)
To record information about criminal activity or suspicious behaviour in our plantation forests, use the form below and pass this information on to police.
After you have notified the police, you can also contact us. Select the subject Report an issue.